At first it sounds great, I mean, no cabling, no pesky radiations going round like with WiFi and so on ... an easy way of sharing internet connection for my 2 PCs at home.
I tested WiFi 802.11b before and wasn't impressed with it's performance, so I reached my purse and got a pair of Powerline adaptors, plugged them in and ... voilà, instant networking [the good].
This looked extremely good, easier than WiFi, but after some usage I noticed that it was a quite slow connection, so, unfortunately, I took a peak at the manual and discovered that max theoretical (including channel control data) speed is 85Mbit/s, while effective maximum network speed can't exceed 25Mbit/s :-( [the bad (1)] and that you need to install more software/drivers in order to add security to your network, much like WEP for WiFi, which adds to complication and is likely to subtract network speed [the bad (2)].
Network speed was unimpressive, so I run a quick test with JGaa's NetCPS and here are the results for you to read, as seen from both sides
C:\>netcps -s
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering server mode. Press ^C to quit
Waiting for new connection...
Client connected from
---> CPS 1519616.00 KPS: 1484.00 MPS: 1.45
Avrg CPS 1515546.00 KPS: 1480.03 MPS: 1.45
Peek CPS 1542144.00 KPS: 1506.00 MPS: 1.47
Client disconnected. 104857600 Kb transferred in 69.19 seconds.
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering client mode. Press ^C to quit
Connecting to port 4455... Connected!
---> CPS 1518097.88 KPS: 1482.52 MPS: 1.45
Avrg CPS 1515524.13 KPS: 1480.00 MPS: 1.45
Peek CPS 1553373.25 KPS: 1516.97 MPS: 1.48
Done. 104857600 Kb transferred in 69.19 seconds.
I'd not say very fast ...
You read about [the good], [the bad] and here is [the ugly]

(when I'll be able to retrieve a photo from my mobile) Ok, I've made it
the plug is very light, but quite big, or at least bigger than what I expected.
After all this could seem a bashing post, so I'm adding the results of the same test under 802.11b
C:\>netcps -s
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering server mode. Press ^C to quit
Waiting for new connection...
Client connected from
---> CPS 495616.00 KPS: 484.00 MPS: 0.47
Avrg CPS 487532.91 KPS: 476.11 MPS: 0.46
Peek CPS 526336.00 KPS: 514.00 MPS: 0.50
Client disconnected. 104857600 Kb transferred in 215.08 seconds.
As you can see homeplug is much faster than 802.11b, don't have a more recent 802.11x device to compare :-(