Monday, January 22, 2007

Signs of MySQL usage at BBC.CO.UK

A very interesting document from BBC's Standards and Guidelines (Database Design and Development Standards v1.00) mentions only two databases, guess what? Oracle and MySQL!!!
BTW the document is also a source of good design tips like:

Normally, use only alphanumeric characters plus the underscore (_) character for table names.

Table names are case sensitive under UNIX (or Linux). To avoid confusion, define/declare table names in upper case in any database creation SQL scripts.

No SQL language reserved words should be used as column names

Identify primary, unique, and foreign keys (to enforce important or critical data integrity) as part of the initial design process

To guard against slow queries degrading performance on the shared database infrastructure, the most commonly performed SQL queries should be analysed with an explain plan. This should use sufficient data to generate representative query execution plans

Indexes should be used where appropriate, use explain/explain_plan to demonstrate

All database APIs must define error handling, and success/failure notification

Designs should be as RDBMS agnostic as possible: for example, minimize use of sets and abstract data types, unless these are key to the design. It is accepted that that there will inevitably be some RDBMS specific data typing

MySQL offers a number of storage types. The only ones that should be used are:
MyIsam – for general (especially read only) data.
InnoDB – for transactional data, or data with important referential integrity.

Any database data loading processes MUST create a summary log, an error file (in the event of any errors, and a bad file for records that failed to load.)

This reminds me of a feature request I made for a bad file option for LOAD DATA (bug 11480)

Database users should only be granted sufficient privileges to enable them to perform the tasks that they need to

... and many more.

I think that such a document is of general interest and very useful expecially to newbies.

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